Monitoring and Evaluation

Over the years, Verdurous has emerged as a trusted source to carry out mid-term reviews and end-of-term evaluations for various initiatives and project investments. These assignments include field-work as well as desk work. A key element of the work involves scrupulous scrutiny of published material and data to triangulate finding from the desk reviews of project-specific material and information collected from the field.


  • Verdurous personnel participated as the Energy sector ‘National Consultant’ for the Asian Development Bank’s India-Country Assistance Program Evaluation (CAPE).
  • Field work in partnership with MBA students of Gauhati University in Assam to assess the socio-economic impact of rural roads built under the aegis of the Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Program helped Verdurous develop a framework for quantifying the social and economic returns from the rural road investments. A total of 40 villages / settlements were surveyed across eight districts under some of the most challenging circumstances potentially encountered during such field work.
  • Independent Assessment and Meta Analysis of 5 AusAID – REEEP supported projects in the Pacific Island Countries. Among other things, detailed analyses of power sector data, fuel prices and cost structures revealed that in the Kingdom of Tonga, ‘reducing dependence on imported fuels’ and ‘lowering and stabilizing power tariffs’ might be distinct and independent policy objectives. Electricity tariffs were high on account of high overhead costs and network inefficiencies – not on account of the price of imported diesel. Subsequent to the presentation of the report, network management and energy efficiency improvement measures were initiated.
  • Time-bound assessment of over 100 project proposals submitted to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP).
  • Overlapping with the Rio+20 summit, Verdurous personnel carried out the Meta analysis / Independent Assessment of a total of 42 projects with varying objectives, scope, implementation patterns and institutional structures, funded by the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) and implemented across countries and continents.
  • Independent end-of-project assessment of India-based projects funded by the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP).
  • Independent Evaluation (and offering recommendations for improved delivery) of the “Microfinance for Renewable Energy” capacity building activity undertaken by Winrock International / Nepal under a USAID Microfinance / Capacity Building program.
  • Verdurous has undertaken detailed post-implementation review of investments made into agriculture value chains for projects implemented in Kenya and Tanzania by the OPEC Fund for International Development (“OFID”) through the Vienna, Austria based Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP). The reports submitted were very well received.
  • In year 2016, Verdurous surveyed the post-implementation performance of Solar PV and Solar PV – Wind energy hybrid installations across Nepal, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and (desk work review for projects located in) Pakistan and Bangladesh to produce a Knowledge Product based on such experience.
  • In year 2021, the Verdurous team of experts surveyed several towns and villages across large parts of Ethiopia to collect data as a part of an elaborate evaluation assignment to assess the impacts and sustainability of improved cook stove (ICS) and solar PV lighting system supply initiatives.
  • Research

  • Evaluating the environmental characteristics of solar PV module production and the impact of the variance in environment-sensitivity on investor sentiment.
  • Verdurous has reviewed Rational Inattention, models to specify the use and limits to price and non-price interventions to enhance the efficiency of energy use in urban residences.