About Us

Twenty years ago, we told ourselves that we would be known for our professionalism and for our whole-hearted commitment to delivering genuine substance to our clients, time and time again. Twenty years on, we are proud of our work.

Our work in Cleaner-Energy and Environmental Finance covers an eclectic mix of policy design and review, resource assessments, feasibility studies, institutional strengthening, microfinance and project finance, due diligence investigations for investments across technology options and much more. Our research work has received extensive attention having initiated product development viz., the design and testing of micro-wind turbines, business models for energy storage, market-based financing schemes for RE programs, a green stock-market index etc.

While we look back at Twenty years of our operations with great satisfaction, we also realize that we are in this for the long haul. We have carved out a niche in bridging academia and industry through the instinctive application of economic theory to value and sustain the natural environment: to put the planet back in business!
